Egzaminy doktorskie

Terminy egzaminów ACERT dla doktorantów:


Terminy egzaminów ACERT dla doktorantów w roku akademickim 2023/2024:
23.01.2024 r., wtorek (zapisy do 23.12.2023 r.)
11.06.2024 r., wtorek (zapisy do 11.05.2024 r.)
godz. 8.00-10.00 - egzamin pisemny
od godz. 11.00 - egzamin ustny *


Dyżury Wykładowców

Dyżury pracowników CJK w czasie letniej sesji egzaminacyjnej 2023/2024
W dniach 17-23.06 dyżury zostają odwołane. 
Proszę o umawianie się z wykładowcami indywidualnie poprzez maila.
Lista pracowników w załączeniu.

CLC teaching staff duty hours during the summer exam session 2023/2024
Duty hours  between 17 and 23 June are cancelled. 
Individual appointments with lecturers can be arranged by e-mail.
The list of CLC teaching staff members can be found in the attachment.

Polish classes

International students have a possibility to participate in a multi-level course of the Polish language. The course is designed to take students from their first introduction to Polish up to a fully proficient use of the language. The 40 hour course includes grammar syllabus that covers the essential language and extensive vocabulary development. A lot of communicative activities provide variety in class and make the course easy and enjoyable.

Orientation week

The beginning of each academic term at Poznan University of Technology marks the time when international students take part in Orientation Week – a vibrant event organized by the Centre of Languages and Communication.