Dear Student!

By opening the document EXAM LISTS, you will be able to find all the information about your foreign language exam. Search for your student register number and you will find out when, at what time and in what room the written and oral part of the exam takes place.

Please remember that according to the procedure of conducting a foreign language exam, you are asked to come to the exam about half an hour before it starts (both the written and the oral part).

Please note that the stated time of the oral part of the exam is only an estimate and may be changed. The order of students taking the oral part of the exam may also change in the absence of a given student. In such a case, the next student from the list takes the exam.

Also note that in order to take the exam you are obliged to present an identity card with your PESEL No. or a student ID card.

If the building markings are unclear to you, open the WARTA campus map and find the building on the map.

In case of any doubts, please contact the CLC Heads of Sections (beata.osuch@put.poznan.pl and lukasz.wozniakowski@put.poznan.pl)

Good luck in your exam!