Dear International Students and Employees of PUT, join us in visiting Porta Posnania Interactive Heritage Centre.

Merry Christmas

Join us in watching a popular Polish film Listy do M. (Letters to Santa).

If you want to improve your teaching skills or need guidance on methodology, communication strategies, or navigating intercultural differences, we’re here to…

The CLC Discussion Club will be held on Mondays, 4:45pm-6:15pm, room A3.315.

Dear International Students and Employees of PUT, join us in visiting Poznan Croissant Museum.

W dniach 23-27 września odbyła się wizyta naszych pracowników na Uniwersytecie w Maladze w ramach programu Erasmus+ staff exchange.

On September…

Complete the quiz and win a prize!

Orientation Week at the Centre of Languages and Communication

Nowe Kierownictwo Centrum w kadencji 2024-2028/ New CLC Authorities for the 2024-2028 term of office

Dyżury/Duty hours