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Visit to CLC

On 12th December,  Centre of Languages and Communication was honored to welcome and host Pavel Brebera from the University of Pardubice in Czech Republic. Pavel  Brebera  works as a Senior Lecturer at the Language Centre of the University of Pardubice. He graduated in English language teaching at the University of Pardubice, and later obtained a Ph.D. degree in Pedagogy at the Masaryk University in Brno. In his  current job, Mr Brebera focuses mainly on teaching ESP, developing language tests and using ICT for language-teaching purposes. His other professional activities include for example providing in-service teacher training at private language schools, as well as writing and reviewing scientific articles in the area of educational sciences.
On Tuesday, 12th December Mr Pavel Brebera conducted a presentation on ”Language Centre at a medium-sized university: achievements and challenges.” During his speech and presentation, CLC teachers had a possibility to exchange ideas, share opinions and compare experiences concerning didactics and roles of language teachers at the language centers.
His visit to Centre of Languages and Communication was due to the Erasmus Staff Mobility programme, in which he was going to take part in English classes at CLC, as a visiting lecturer.